Data Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy notice outlines how we use the data you submit to us.

Employees and prospective employees: Please see the Employee Privacy Notice.

Privacy Notice - Customers and Prospective Customers

Any information provided will be used and protected in accordance with current data protection legislation and any subsequent legislation as appropriate.

Our ICO registration numbers:

  • Listers Group Limited: Z5872022
  • Falcon of Hull and Lincolnshire Limited: Z6900877
  • Listers Hull Limited: Z1048042

Use of your personal information

Listers Group respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy will inform you of how we look after your personal data, tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

We keep our data privacy notice under regular review and will notify you if there are changes that fundamentally affect the way your personal data is processed by Listers.

Who are we?

Listers Group is made up of three legal entities (shown above) and trade as the businesses listed below. Listers Group ("Listers") is the data controller (address below) and is engaged in the sales, service and repair of motor vehicles.

Data Protection is the responsibility of the Data Management Team. The contact details for which are:

Data Management Team
Listers Group Ltd
Othello House
Banbury Road

CV37 7GY

or digitally via: or email

What personal information do we collect and how?

Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

For the engagement in the sales, service and repair of motor vehicles this personal data includes:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Vehicle details (current and potential)

For more specific engagement, including finance and insurance agreements, it could also include:

-Date of birth -Financial information -Employment information -Details from driving licences -Details from passports

  • For reasons of identification and security we may also need to take a copy of your driving licence and/or passport.

At special events organised by us or on our behalf notices will, if relevant, be posted advising that filming and photography is in progress. If you do not wish to participate you may advise the hosts and they will oblige. Staying ‘in shot’ is considered consent.

Vehicles we offer for test drive or loan may be fitted with a recording or tracking device that may record driving style, location, and speed for the purposes of safety, crime detection, crime prevention, and/or accident management. Such devices are removed, or the data deleted prior to a subsequent sale.

The personal data you provide to us directly, and any response we give, may be done face-to-face, by telephone, email/social media (which may include personalised videos), SMS/text, post, online/live chat.

Personal data may also have been passed to us via a vehicle manufacturer/importer, finance provider, Motability Scheme or other third-party to which you have provided personal data and requested a response.

Some telephone calls are recorded for quality and training purposes.

Data is stored on computer and paper systems.

CCTV is in use at our sites.

Except as set out below, we do not collect any Special Categories of personal data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data). We may invite customers to inform us if they have any additional support and assistance requirements regarding vulnerability. By informing us of your requirements for additional support or assistance, you give us explicit permission to inform any third party where we have a requirement to disclose the nature of the assistance or support given. Should you choose to refuse permission, we will not be able to proceed with your previous requests relating to intention to create a contract.