Legal Company Information

Company Information for Listers Group Limited and it's subsidiaries is the website of Listers Group Limited, a Limited Company registered in England, number 1400698.

Listers Group Limited also controls the following subsidiary companies:

  • Falcon of Hull and Lincolnshire Limited a Limited Company registered in England, number 2400530
  • Listers Hull Limited a Limited Company registered in England, number 6340072

Registered Office

The registered office for Listers Group Limited and its subsidiary companies as listed above is:

Othello House
Stratford Business & Technology Park
Banbury Road
CV37 7GY

You can contact Listers Group Head Office on 01789 403 800 between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

VAT Registration

The VAT registration number for Listers Group Limited and its subsidiaries is GB 545 0370 63.