
Form layouts and settings examples for My Listers account and settings pages.


This layout uses the following components as 'atoms' to create the full UI.

Uses: Objects: Components: JS:

Application Shell

Parent layout for the entire login/settings area.

Page Title

Title lead or sub title, an introductory paragraph or summary of the page contents.


Save Changes Nav

When form changes have been made, a popup save menu appears at the bottom of the viewport.

Card Sections

Group related sets of inputs and fields together inside a carded section.

Section 1


Section 2


Section 3


Field Groups

A specific parent group or selection of fields which contain inputs, actions or content.

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Group State

Imply that unsaved changes have been made to a group of fields.

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Content Fields

A selection of content based fields to use alone or alongside some of the input based fields.


Heading example (no label), usually with content or actions.

Input Fields

A selection of input field sets which allow users to input or change data.

Standard label field with text input.

Input Fields with Actions

A selection of input elements alongside an a single or set of actions.

Standard label field with text input.

Field State

A field state that makes it clear to a user the action they`re currently undertaking. i.e. deleting or adding a row.

Example Fields

A few example fields used within the settings pages.


Field Lists

A list of repeatable field groups used to store variants of the same information.

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