
Labels help semantically and visually what an input should do. They should always be used with their input counterparts, and never without.

Input Label

A example input label accompanied by an input type of choice.

Float Label

Save space by using the float label pattern. More info on this pattern here.

Label with Required Field

Provide guides when inputs are required to be filled in.

Stacked Labels

When more than one label is needed, stack them above one another

Inline Labels

Horizontally align labels next to the input.

Label, Input and Icons

Set an icon to the far side of the input.

Note: Only usable with text based inputs.
Be sure to check accessibility guides when using icons.

Label, Input and Button Icon

Make the icon clickable by using a button or link element.

Label, Input and Notes

Place a small not underneath a text input. Can be useful for helping guide users, and or placing validation comments.

Useful notes and reading:

Useful Reading:

Related Components: