Container Queries

In some circumstances, using container queries will be more appropriate than using media queries. This allows self contained components by freeing components from browser size and rather using self contained resizing.

Basic examples

Using pre-determined utility classes to change state/style at a particular width via the parent container.

The example shows at breakpoint 2 (582px) 2 grid rows changing to 2 columns. Use the resizer to see this in action.

Creating containers

Create container queries by using the @container on the parent, and either creating a custom container query in CSS, or using a pre-determined framework class.

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Container queries don`t yet allow custom media queries to be used, so for the time being use explicit values to set breakpoints.

i.e: @container (min-width: 582px) and not @container (min-width: --from-bp2).

Useful notes and reading:

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